Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Laura Brenes

Costa Rica

I participated in the last SAVE FOOD Partnership event from FAO. I come from the Academic area in Costa Rica (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica). Due to that meeting I have established contact a fellow-proffesional from our Ministry of Agriculture, and a few hours ago, he shared this link with me. I usderstand today is the due date to send comments on the document.

Therefore, I haven´t been able to go through it deeply; however, regarding the questions, I believe all of the approaches are necessary in terms of measuring the loss, since some will have a direct impact in the economy (volume, monetary cost of the wastage), and others in a more social and environmental aspects (nutricional value, volume).

Regarding examples of reduction in food loss, I am currently working with other colleagues in developing processed products for tomato overproduction in some Regions. We are still at a training and research stage so we do not have an asessment of the impact at this point, but we believe that once you mix techincal approaches (product development, packaging, variety selection) with managament tools (cost-benefit analysis, market research) a positive response can be achieved both for the producer and the consumer.

I just typed this quick comments, however my main interest is to create a link with the Committee, and hope to support in other moments the work you develop.