Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Kbn Rayana


A special report on the  expert Feed back and comments:

BY KBN Rayana, Dir.Gen., IAMMA (HQ>Hyd/india), @ New York office 11510, USA


1.       In the bullet point one to be added a safe drinking water exploration of Ground water restrictions and regulatory baody to be established to be included

2.       Under Matrics the Agriculture sector use of water to be underlined with the crop requirement. This enables to save the water and also energy used specifically explored  ground water , and irrigative systems. (ie., every crop needs certain required amount of gallons of crops. That to be added to enable to use it for good production and quality production of food.)

3.       Hydraulic fractures are inevitable hence water to be explored however a regulatory body to be established which can be with objectives of recharging such ground water, establishing water tanks, catching/harvesting rain water , and silting existing tanks and protect them for illegal occupation and use of other purposes.

4.       As a statistics use the water related to food and agriculture crop wise data and adanced agronomic systems applied for irrigating and crop development.

5.       Under bullet point Two:  governance  water is a free element from the nature.. and so far so froth there is lesser regulatory body in use of Agriculture and drinking. Most drinking is under supplies from the local body ie municipalities, county agents etc. under these bodies an addition to be powered to regulate the ground water harvest, recharge, and exploration limitations etc.

6.       As above said an agronomic systems developed with moisture regiems to establish better utilized , cost effective and economic use by the farmer., to be included

7.       Capacity build up to catch up of rain water to enable to over flood , and waste of it into see to be regulated, by linking water channels,/rivers/riverbeds establishments, and watershed managements

8.       Regulatory body to be more elaborated on the use of water by private as a trade and besides taxes the regulatory body may collect special provision of fee such use by private companies. This is specifically referring to the mineral water and etc…

9.       In relation to the water management , the priority given for food and agriculture since food is prime for every one. … and along with drinking water. One can stay without food for a couple of days and more some times with water. However without water it is hard to consume the food. Therefore as drinking water as a primodial thing however clubbed with regulatory body.

10.   Water share of inbetween countries also an important which will be noted in the developing countries and also developed countries.

11.   Water wastage to be addressed in turms of storage and diversion of water to dry lands use at national and international issue.

12.   The  sustainable use only possible by educating the water importance, limitations , availability and climate change from each person to advancing to the farmer who use both purposes ie driniking and food& agrc., and Industries who use for both purposes  and control and recycling the waste water.

13.   Importance will be given for use of wate water crop cropping systems wherever it is applicable.

14.   Gender is always who use domestic water in both villages and cities. However they may be educated from time to time how to economic use and good use with monitoring. This also to be added in the report.

15.   Water grabs and acquisition can only prevented through regulatory body, who is involved in local, hence to strengthen the body with powers are necessary.

16.   An immediate management approaches to be evolved for silting out of all tanks to enable to stop over flooding and impact of natural disasters caused due to climate change. Although it is routine matter for developing countries, however in recent days it become a problem in the developed world too. For eg. Recent flood in Themes river in greater London area etc.



Therefore task force to be considered  on priority with regulatory bodies, in governance, sustainable use of water in agriculture etc for advancing agronomic systems in relation to the crop wise requirement, and drinking water based on per capita/local population.

At international level linking and hareing of river water .. and urgent silting out and management existing tanks….


