Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Sonia Blaney


I suggest to further develop the proposed framework on the relationship between food security and nutrition security (especially figure 7) where it seems that food security and nutrition appear as the same concept. Forest products can be used for food security but they can also be used for income which in turn, can be dedicated to access to health services, to safe water to name a few and ultimately can contribute to nutrition through another channel than food security. Therefore, perhaps, it could be better to refer to the Unicef conceptual framework on the determinant of nutritional status (or nutrition security) which has resources (including forest resources) as the basis of the framework and shows how resources can be used to achieve food security and nutrition security (as measurd by nutritional status).

In addition to that, I do not see the link between forest resources and nutritional status of populations (since at the end of the day, one wants to show that forest products does improve nutrition security of populations) even though there is a reference to my paper in the document ("Contribution of natural resources to nutritional Gabon" which shows that the consumption of natural resources by school-age children and adolescents contribute to their nutritional status. In this paper, I also explain why such relationship has not be observed for other age groups such as women and young children. I also suggest to refer to my other paper called “Determinants of undernutrition in rural communities of a protected area in Gabon” which highlights the link between the use of natural resources and food security (please see attached).

Hoping these comments are helpful and will contribute to improve the content of the report. Thank you again for sharing.