Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Hector Bourges


1 Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition. 2016. Food systems and diets: Facing the challenges of the 21st century. London, UK.

In order to strengthen this draft, the HLPE would welcome submission of material, evidence-based  suggestions, references, and examples, in particular addressing the following important questions:

1. The purpose of this report is to analyze the ways in which food systems influence dietary patterns and hence nutritional outcomes. The objective is to focus on consumers and consider sustainability issues. The report aims to be solution oriented and to highlight efficient policies and programs. Are those major objective(s) clearly reflected in the V0 draft? I think they are

2. Do you think that the overall structure of the draft is comprehensive enough, and adequately considered and articulated? Does the draft strike the right balance of coverage across the various  chapters? Are there important aspects that are missing? Does the report correctly focus on the links between nutrition and food systems without straying beyond that?  The draft is comprehensive and articulated, the balance between chapters is right

3. Does the conceptual framework need to be edited? Simplified? Should “the food environment” as defined in the draft be central to the framework?  Perhaps simplified, and the food environment occupying a central place

4. Are production systems and their role in shaping diets and nutritional outcomes adequately addressed?  Yes they are. More emphasis on ecological matters are perhaps necessary

5. Does this draft cover adequately the main controversies in the field of Nutrition and food systems? Are there any remaining gaps? Sorry. I am not familiar with the controversies

6. The project team is working on a categorization of food systems. Are you aware of specific approaches of use in that perspective, and particularly of quantitative indicators that could be used?  No

7. Does this draft adequately show the multiplicity and complexity of diets and nutrition issues across different food systems and specific contexts with a good regional balance? I think the multiplicity and complexity are adequately shown

8. What areas of the document are in need of strengthening or shortening?

9. Chapter 4, Section 4.1 contains case studies/examples of effective policies and actions in different contexts/countries across the food system for diets and nutrition. Could you offer other practical, well-documented and significant examples to enrich the report and provide better balance to the variety of cases and the lessons learned, including the trade-offs or win-win 8outcomes in terms of addressing the different dimensions of diets for FSN? Sorry. It is not my field of expertise

10. Section 4.2.2 on “Institutional Changes and Governance Across the Food System Movements for Nutrition” requires more work, and more inclusion of evidence and of the various players. Any 11 inputs on this section are most welcome. Sorry. It is not my field of expertise

11. Is the report too technical or too simplistic? No Are all the concepts clearly defined?  Yes

12. Are there any major omissions or gaps in the report? Are topics under-or over-represented in relation to their importance?   No