Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla


When I first saw the title of the consultation I thought the focus was on FINANCING the improvements in FNS. Then reading the questions it looks like the emphasis is on MPS.

My sense is that MPS came at the end of a sequence in which the study should a) identify what does it mean "improving" FNS; b) what are the actions needed and how much would it cost to achieve that "improving" by 2030; c) what would be potential ways and sources of financing (and b) and c) would indicate the main potential stakeholders); and then d) ask about how those stakeholders can be articulated in fair and efficient coalitions.

I fear that discussing MPS in the abstract (i.e. without identifying first objectives, activities, costs, and financing) may not be very fruitful.