Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Jane Nalunga

Southern and Eastern Africa Trade , Information and Negotiations Institute ( SEATINI)

I appreciate this opportunity to participate in this conversation. Below please find my contribution:

The report should also address the following issues/questions:

1. The rights holders ( as far as food security and Nutrition) should be mapped including the challenges they are facing

2. The existing funding mechanisms  should be analysed , the gaps and the reasons for these gaps  at  local and  national. 

3. What needs to be done to improve MSPs at various levels.

4. What are interests of the various partners and how do these interests affect food security and nutrition?

5. The decisin making processes/platforms that affect food security and nutrition should be identified. What has been the status of the participation of the stakeholders in these processes?

Regarding innovative practices, in Uganda there is an  example of a partnership among organisations working on Trade/investment; land and food security (;;