The Vegan Society have been exploring the benefits of plant protein crops (pulses like peas and beans) as a genuinely sustainable solution for our agricultural sector. These wonder crops provide everything we need in terms of nutrition and environmental benefits. If we want a system that produces, sustainable, healthy, affordable, and ethical food for everyone, then a shift towards growing protein crops provides a win-win-win-win.
Our report attached, written by New Economics Foundation, outlines the benefits of plant protein agriculture and the policy changes required to incentivise production.
These policies include: -
Subsidies: Create a Protein Aid Scheme
Entry: Make protein crops a focus of a new farm entry scheme
Research: Designate funding for the research and development of protein crops
Taxes: Deduct farm subsidies to account for externalities in animal farming
Public procurement: Increase the serving of plant proteins in public canteens
Decision-making processes: Give a voice to a wider range of stakeholders
Louise Davies