Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Bettina PratoBettina Prato


Dear colleagues,

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this eConsultation. The proposed scope for this forthcoming HLPE report indeed covers a range of important questions. It may, however, be strengthened by clearly positioning multi-stakeholder partnerships, defined in a clear and rigorous manner, in the broader context of the necessary alignment of efforts by different actors (including duty bearers, right holders, and other "stakeholders") towards the realization of the 2030 Agenda and of sustainable development more broadly.

Concretely, one suggestion would involve:

1. Clearly articulating early on in the text the need to better ALIGN the efforts of different groups of actors to realize the 2030 Agenda and the AAAA, with particular focus on the two, distinct though inter-related challenges of a) boosting supply of and inclusive access to finance for agriculture and the agri-food sector and b) ending hunger and malnutrition.

2. Presenting various models of PARTNERSHIP proper – including those that bring together different groups of "stakeholders" – as specific types of instruments to achieve the needed alignment, though by no means the only ones nor the ones most appropriate in all contexts or for all specific aspects of the two challenges listed at point 1.

3. Structuring the report to make room both for the broader question of alignment and for the narrower question of "partnerships".

Please note that this input is provided on a personal capacity and not as an institutional contribution.

With best regards,

Bettina Prato