Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Alexandrina SirbuAlexandrina Sirbu

Constantin Brancoveanu University

Generally speaking, the questions reflect correctly the main issues proposed.

Regarding the questions to be addressed on HLPE e-consultation:

1. Who are the stakeholders in food security and nutrition? What are the interests and motivations of each stakeholder? How to attract and retain partners? What are their various levels of responsibility?

Multi-stakeholders are type public-private-people/civil society. They combine their resources and expertises; and all together (MS+resources)  are inputs in this process. Generally, they are already identified (see SFS-10YFP for instance).

2. How to define “multistakeholder partnership” for food security and nutrition? What are the existing types of partnerships for financing and improving food security and nutrition? What are the tensions between the nature of these stakeholders and the functions of the partnerships?

In literature there is different approach about vocabulary. However, a suitable attention should be paid on definition of MSPs as actors, network or interactions/role in. Their functions as MSP  (especially for food security) is influenced by financial issues.

The major challenge is to build and strengthen this network through co-interest and motivation, and financial incentives come apart.

3. What are the goals, effectiveness, impact and performance of various forms of MSPs in reaching FSN objectives, in the context of the 2030 Agenda? What criteria, indicators, qualitative or quantitative approaches and methodologies could be used to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, inclusiveness, transparency, accountability, and value added for different types of MSPs?

A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods seems to be appropriate in order to assess MSPs actions. Education, success stories as well as failures can contribute to an added value through information and behaviour changes.

4. To what extent do existing MSPs influence national, regional and international policies and programmes for FSN?

Directly or indirectly MSs participate to development of the strategies and policies, no matters level (at all of them). The involvement of public actors is obviously higher.

5. What are the potential controversies related to MSPs?

Potential controversial topic may refer to unbalanced representation (as contribution, decision making, financial etc.). For instance, a multi-sectoral coordination can be a solution.

Alexandrina Sirbu

Professor, PhD -

"Constantin Brancoveanu" University
