Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

What can our institutions do to help country governments commit to action around your recommendations, and to help ensure implementation will be effective?

To finalize our contribution to this discussion we provide the following ideas on the above stated question :

1. Establish and sustain an assessment or evaluation initiative where crucial agricultural programmes and projects will be evaluated under the supervision of technical and politically neutral experts.

2. Maintain systems of pledging accordance by developing nations, to the targets and milestones that are established by respective policies for nutrition enhancement

A system for incentivizing target achievement will surely encourage governments to commit to action. This involves the benefits that country governments can gain both politically and effectively in terms of their efforts to further the development cause in their respective nations.

3. Effective target oriented financial aid

This is especially useful in situations where projects are well designed but lack the necessary finance to be implemented.

4. Actively participate in the sharing of skills (more specifically, training) and technical expertise.

5. Enhanced communication and interaction between your institutions and the local agencies that are actually involved in the implementation phases of policies may help to bring about a positive response from country governments. The intimacy between policy makers and implementation agents can make for effective agricultural policy, and can signal to governments that your institutions are serious about effecting their mandates.

This final point about communication and intimacy between far reaching institutions and local agencies is also relevant to all the points we outlined above since many of the ideas proposed above rest on a closeness that needs to exist between the two types of entity for the purposes of informational accuracy; effective public relations and diplomacy; and mutual compliance with objectives of programmes.  

We thank the moderators and all those who have contributed to the discussion for their continued involvement and support. We will definitely make efforts to improve the value of our future contributions to the forum .