Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

K.V.Rameshwar Sarma

National Inst. of Nutrition

1. Do you have any general comments on the draft Framework for Action?

The draft is well written and covers every aspect

2. Does the Framework for Action adequately reflect the commitments of the Rome Declaration on Nutrition, and how could this be improved?


3. Does the Framework for Action provide sufficient guidance to realize the commitments made?


4. Are there any issues which are missing in the draft Framework for Action to ensure the effective implementation of the commitments and action to achieve the objectives of the ICN2 and its Declaration? 

Yes. Though it is mentioned as monitoring and updation at several places in the document appropriate word may be 'nutrition surveillance' which includes continuous assessment, analyses and action. Efforts have been made by FAO, NIN (India) and the then IDRC. May be this needs to be strengthened and activated espcially in India.

Please refer to:   Hanumantha Rao D, Vijayaraghavan K and Rameswar Sarma KV. “Development of Nutrition Surveillance System” Nutrition News (1998), 19 (1). 


K.V.Rameshwar Sarma,

Scientist 'F' (Retd.)

National Inst. of Nutrition (ICMR); India

Presently @ Novi, MI. US. 48275