Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

International Life Sciences Institute

The International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) is pleased to offer the following information to support specific activities included in the draft ICN2 Framework for Action to implement the Rome Declaration on Nutrition.

Comments on Chapter 3

3.1 Food Systems – the ILSI Center for Integrated Modeling of Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition (CIMSANS) has developed a working paper (submitted for publication) that may be useful in addressing most of the priority actions.

·    Acharya, T. et al. June 2014. Assessing Sustainable Nutrition Security: The Role of Food Systems.

ILSI Research Foundation, Center for Integrated Modeling of Sustainable Agriculture and

Nutrition Security. Washington, DC. Accessible at:

This paper proposes an integrated food systems modeling approach to advance assessments of global food security. The methodology incorporates farm-to-fork activities (as opposed to a focus on production) including critical nutrition (both macro- and micronutrient) and sustainability considerations

– both of which are overlooked in current assessments. Development of this methodology is useful for addressing FAO’s priority actions in two ways: 1) the integrated food systems model improves understanding of food system interconnections and 2) the assessment methodology created can be used by all stakeholders (government, industry, and academia) to assess the impact of food system interventions.

CIMSANS is currently developing this Sustainable Nutrition Security assessment methodology via global public-private partnerships.  More information is available here:

3.1 Food Systems – Priority Action – “addressing micronutrient deficiencies through sustainable food- based approaches” – ILSI Europe has several publications that may be useful in implementing this action.

·    Flynn A. et al. (2009) Intake of Selected Nutrients from Foods, from Fortification and from

Supplements in Various European Countries. Food & Nutrition Research Supplement 1, 2009 –describes robust and innovative methods for setting maximum levels for food fortification and supplements.

·    Casala E. et al. (2014) Monitoring and Addressing Trends in Dietary Exposure to Micronutrients through Voluntarily Fortified Foods in the European Union. Trends in Food Science & Technology

37:152-161 – presents general limitations of the current food consumption surveys and food

composition databases. In addition, other approaches that could be used to monitor and evaluate trends in dietary exposure to micronutrients through voluntary food fortification are illustrated.

·    Mensink GBM   (2013) Mapping Low Intake of Micronutrients across Europe. British Journal of Nutrition 110:755-773 -- presents the prevalence of low micronutrient intakes in different European countries by comparing recent nationally representative dietary intake survey data.

A new project being managed, entitled “Contribution of Dietary Supplements, Nutrient Dense Food and Food Fortification to the Micronutrient Intake and Status of the Elderly”, is beginning through ILSI Europe. The main objective of this new project is to generate data that support the optimization of dietary guidelines specific for (healthy) elderly individuals. Initial data will be presented in September

2015 and a paper submitted for publication in early 2015.

ILSI North America has also sponsored studies related to the contribution of fortified foods to nutritional status for the US population.

·    Fulgoni VL, et al. (2011) Foods, Fortificants, and Supplements: Where Do Americans Get Their

Nutrients.  Journal of Nutrition 141 (10):1847-1854.

·    Berner LA, et al. (2014) Fortified Foods Are Major Contributors to Nutrient Intakes in Diets of US Children and Adolescents. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 114:1009-1022.

·    Murphy MM, et al. (2013) Revising the Daily Value May Effect Food Fortification and in Turn

Nutrient Intake Adequacy. Journal of Nutrition 143(12):199-2006.

3.1.2 Sustainable healthy diets –The CIMSANS Sustainable Nutrition Security working paper and proposed assessment methodology noted above (Acharya et al. 2014) is intended to 1) improve the understanding of the food system in order to 2) better understand key variables and the impact of modifications so that 3) the system moves closer to sustainable healthy diets on a global scale. Related to the priority actions outlined in this section, policy and practice modifications can be supported by improved understanding of the food system and the impact of potential changes. The methodology described in Acharya et al. 2014 offers a science-based approach.

Thank you for the opportunity to share this information with you. Sincerely,

Suzanne S. Harris, Ph.D. Executive Director