There should be a comprehensive communicating programme that vibrantly will keep people at the house level well informed about the importance of food production and productivity. Clear programmes that address the importance of food production at all levels. This can be done by promoting workshops where community leaders and household members with influence in their communities can be invited to discuss all matters about food security and make clear its real concept.
Therefore, decision makers should be invited in every possible workshop at the country level, a platform for food security should establish and research institutions should be involved as they play a great role in community development
Government should establish programmes that provide to small farmers and producers the implements that will enable them to engage lovely into food production, in some extent credit schemes are needed so that they can move from small farmers to the other level including agro-processing and be able to building the production chain.
A door for young people to engage themselves into agriculture is needed by creating programmes that push them to see this area as the potential for their job creation and income generation both for house and the country level.
Infrastructures and media services are necessary to keep all level updated about the importance of food production and productivity. This will take people to understand the essence of food securit nutrition y and at all level including countrywide.
It is quite obvious that women are playing great role as household heads therefore they should provided with implements that will permit them to work and produce as much as needed, both for home consumption and for market so that they are able to cover their needs and of the others.
For this to happen, governments as exposed above play great role for making such programmes sustainable. It is understood that most developing countries enjoy a vast number of natural resources which should equitable be distributed and this will occur if all countries if governments allow a faire distribution of the resources.
Creating programmes that empower female farmers and youth to engage into agriculture. For youth the graduates before seeking any job in towns should be assigned a house and inputs and portion of land with all necessary tools to work the land and increase production and productivity. This will effectively cover the gap on food security and nutrition at country level.
Enoque Albino Manhique
DVM, MSc in Agricultural Development
Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique
Enoque Albino Manhique