Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Danielle Charbonneau


and I continue to highly recommend world leaders of your caliber to meet with Mr. Dave Ewoldt  of Tucson, Arizona, about the cohesive framework required, across areas of expertise, to finally elevate your understanding of true sustainability, and receive additional knowledge that can clarify, generate momentum, and help build in continual inspiration from powerful ongoing informative feedback and assessments, confident collaborative efforts and sustainable results.

I know how difficult it is to step out of established cadres; however, when a community of the size of Tucson -- described by Dr. Jonathan Overpeck of the University of Arizona as ground-zero for climate change in the United States -- understands seasoned expertise at its finest, it would seem to support the recommendation I make in regards to FAO's online consultation for developing the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management.

Thank you for admitting this submittal for timely expert consultation, to vitally enhance the Guidelines and provide support and missing understanding to everyone involved.

Myself, an ongoing cheerleader, including on matters of Conservation Agriculture, keep hoping for this consultation to take place soon.  On behalf of People and Planet.

Sincerely and with respectful regards,

Danielle Charbonneau

Community and Environmental Advocate

volunteer, non-affiliated

Granby, Québec, Canada