Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

This is a very welcome document that will establish current global thinking on food and nutrition security in relation to urbanization. The discussion of definitions is correct in nailing the ongoing transformations in rural and urban facts on the ground and how meanings are evolving.

I have one major comment on the material treated in the paper -- an omission - and one point of emphasis that needs to be made.

Regarding the omission, under "Natural Resource Use and Flows" there needs to be a paragraph on the urban nutrient surplus in the form of NPK locked up in solid and liquid wastes and which is a potential input to food production, both urban and rural. This has been much studied in recent years and there are quite a few references from International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the WHO/FAO guidelines on waste water re-use in agriculture (2006). See also your reference lxvii Thebo, Drechsel and Lambin (2014), also Prain, Karanja and Lee-Smith (2010)

I also attach a couple of my own articles that refer to this.

I want to suggest also that the section on "Food loss and waste" be broadened in its concept to encompass wider issues of waste and waste re-use in an ecosystemic way. (The way it is written currently is about "getting rid" of food waste).

The point of emphasis that I would like to see addressed concerns the discussion of and final conclusions on the production of perishables with high micro-nutrient value in urban and peri-urban areas. At present the text emphasises the income potential for farmers. It should also address the nutritional value for farmers, their children and the urban population in general. This point should be included in the Points emerging from the Lietrature and the Potential Roles for CFS.

For reference on this see the article by me and Davinder Lamba in Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Issue 7 2015

Thanks for this major paper and the opportunity to comment