Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Negative Influence from environment

Just like a drop of blood dirties a whole drum of clean water so does the negative energy and Negative perception on agricultural activities kills the morale of youth who undergoes capacity development. A strategy paper drawn by the Ministry of Agriculture (Kenya Youth Agribusinsess Strategy 2017-2021) launched in July identifies Youth Negative Perception towards agriculture as the biggest impediment to implementation agribusiness in Kenya.

According to the strategy paper, we must overcome this challenge if we are to succeed in attracting youth into agribusiness.

The solution then would be even as organization develop and design curriculum, attention should be paid to the need of pilot projects that would be used as case studies to share as success stories. It is through story telling that we can win the fight against negative perception. Platforms like peer learning forums would make perfect places where this stories would be shared.

So capacity development programs should be modelled in form of this forum to facilitate easy learning and adaptation.