Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

In the current discussion, the focus has been chiefly on the impact of agriculture on nutrition security. In this context, I wanted to bring in the role of the government in promoting food and nutrition security amongst the population. In India, the Public Distribution System (PDS) is an important channel through which the vulnerable sections receive a monthly quota of cereals, kerosene and sugar. A few states have initiated the distribution of pulses and millets in the PDS. It is no surprise that these particular states such as Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Chhattisgarh- for pulses and Karnataka- for millets also show a better nutrition status.

In the agriculture sector, a few schemes such as Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM) in 2004 gave states the flexibility to utilize the funds for the scheme/crop of their choice. In 2007, the Additional Central Assistance Scheme (RKVY) incentivised states to draw up plans for their agriculture sector more comprehensively, taking agro-climatic conditions, natural resource issues and technology into account, and integrating livestock, poultry and fisheries more fully. These are just a few examples to showcase that the role of the government is extremely important in the promotion of a farming system which aids nutrition security.