Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Dear colleagues,

Find attached my contributions. The 3 main critics would be: 1- I have noticed there is no mention or recognition of use of fertilizers for nutrient build up at soil level, many regions in the world and specially in Argentina the shortage of use of mostly P fertilizers has depleted P levels at soils at very dramatic low levels, so the good practice there would be a fertility plan that would allow the soil to replenish that. 2- Also there is no mention of fertilizer/nutrient application at seed, which is in fact a growing practice. 3- No to consider Fertilizer blending: For physical blends such as Urea+MAP or others, parameters might be considered in order to guarantee a good fertilizer performance, such as appropriate fertilizer average size, dust and humidity content. Otherwise the blend might segregate at farm and excess and/or lack of certain nutrient will occur. This is not mentioned in the document and in Argentina for example does not work good. 

