Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Message from the facilitator 

Dear all,

We would like to thank all CFS stakeholders and FSN Forum Members who have provided their contributions on the Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition via this online consultation.

We are very satisfied with the positive response to our call, with 113 contributions received.

We also appreciated the male contributions to this process, which on these issues is not obvious and often in the minority, a special thanks!

Your diverse comments are really precious and informative, they contributed to strengthen the structure and contents of the Zero Draft and have also provided us with several interpretations of the same issues and included further perspectives; they often provided better clarity on priorities and actions to be taken.

We also appreciated very much the references to good practices, carried out in the context of projects and programs at regional, national and local level, promoted by governments, CSOs, and the private sector, and the analyses offered by various experts and exponents of the academic world.

Some experiences are truly encouraging and inspiring, others make us understand how there is need for greater innovation and much more attention to solve many of the problems and barriers experienced by women and girls, in all regions of the world.

Your input will be taken into account in preparing the First Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines that will be presented to an open meeting early next year.

Thank you very much for having participated with your time and expertise in this process, in the inclusive perspective that distinguishes the CFS mission, and that has enriched us a lot!

Follow next steps of this process on our CFS Gender Equality and Women's and Girl's Empowerment Workstream webpage.

With my best regards,

Marina Calvino

CFS Secretariat