Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


Collegues, it is time now more than ever the urgent time to offer the diverse studies of Nutritional Diversity concepts, to enhance the health and productivity on this planet both ecologically, mentally and communally, using team efforts to conduct these operations! See more on institutional and governmental redirection potenitals here.

Benefits of Animal Implementation into "Guerilla Permaculture Systems"

Having diverse alternative agriculture trails can offer several benefits to animals, particularly in terms of their feeding habits and overall well-being. Here are some potential advantages:

Cable systems can contain animals efficiently and to the potential appeasement of concerned parties, keep animals (such as goats) from eating the entire area; cable systems can slowly move animals like that of a ski lift, at ski resorts. Solar power is recommended, animal harness not a collar to be used if this case is implemented. Corrals with small roofs for younger and during storm weather should be established along the trail of this type, and programs can be used to return animals to corrals during storms.

  1. Nutritional Diversity: Different agricultural practices may produce a variety of crops and plants. This diversity can provide animals with a range of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for their health. Foraging across diverse landscapes allows animals to meet their nutritional needs more effectively.

  2. Adaptability: Animals that have access to diverse agriculture trails are likely to develop a higher level of adaptability. They can learn to navigate various environments and food sources, which can be crucial for their survival in changing conditions, such as seasonal fluctuations or environmental shifts.

  3. Reduced Competition: A variety of agriculture trails can distribute food resources more widely, reducing competition among animal populations. This can lead to a more balanced ecosystem, preventing overgrazing or overconsumption of specific plant species, which, in turn, supports the overall health of the ecosystem.

  4. Resilience to Environmental Changes: Diversity in agricultural practices can create resilient ecosystems. If a particular crop or plant species fails due to disease, pests, or environmental changes, animals that have access to alternative trails can still find sustenance, minimizing the impact of such events on the local wildlife.

  5. Enhanced Biodiversity: Diverse agriculture trails contribute to overall biodiversity by supporting a variety of plant and animal species. This biodiversity is crucial for the stability and health of ecosystems, as each species plays a unique role in maintaining ecological balance. Animal waste and its presence stimulate food growth in a natural format. 

  6. Behavioral Enrichment: Access to diverse agriculture trails encourages natural foraging behaviors in animals. Foraging is not just about finding food; it also involves problem-solving, exploration, and mental stimulation. This behavioral enrichment contributes to the overall well-being and cognitive health of the animals.

  7. Migration and Genetic Diversity: Some animals rely on migration patterns to find food and suitable habitats. Diverse agriculture trails can provide stopover points and varied resources during these migrations, supporting genetic diversity within populations and reducing the risk of inbreeding.

  8. Ecosystem Services: Animals contribute to ecosystem services such as pollination and seed dispersal; and waste fertilization. Diverse agriculture trails enhance these services, benefiting both the agricultural landscape and the natural environment by promoting plant reproduction and growth.

In summary, diverse alternative agriculture trails can positively impact animals by offering nutritional diversity, promoting adaptability, reducing competition, enhancing resilience to environmental changes, supporting biodiversity, providing behavioral enrichment, facilitating migration, and contributing to essential ecosystem services. This diversity is key to the sustainability and health of both animal populations and the ecosystems they inhabit.

Please see more about developing the most appropriate, most powerful alternative agriculture, and productivity to your life!