Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformationn

in view of the topic it is suggested that food system is dependent variable that influence the food security.for me so far the  desiged  projects in this regards are not effective because designed project are (projects  for the sake of project ) thats why there is no significant change in the life of main stake will be better to involve the main stake holders farmers academia and private sector with the help of NGOS like FAO WFP. on behalf of my  personal experience i have pbserved that the main stake holders have good resources but not aware how to use these resources like milk meat hair wool and  agri cash crops in judicious manner. There is dire need to educate the masses at their door steps. for this purpose at union council or theseel levels small scale  colection center for milkand feed lot fattening units may will bring a change in the life of farm communties directly which will imrove food system and food security can be achived