Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Kevin Moran

Kemnovation Ltd
United Kingdom

Improved quality of some fruit, vegetable and tuber crops, particularly their resistance to physiological breakdown disorders, can be strongly linked to the use of specific fertilizers. The use of fertilizers containing nutrients such as calcium (Ca), potassium (K) and boron (B) can extend the life of these crops after harvest and onwards to markets. Furthermore a reduction in physiological breakdown disorders reduces the sensitivity of crops in transit to pathogenic attack and the onset of rotting. Both the above benefits from appropriate fertilizer applications will contribute to a reduction in wastage in the food chain.

I have many examples of replicated trials work by the international fertilizer industry to demonstrate these benefits from fertilizers and would be very willing to contribute these in a presentation at the plenary.

I am also a Corresponding Member of IFA ( and am active on their Post-2015 SDG's Group on which reduction of food wastage is a focus topic.

If you need further explanation I am happy to comply,

Dr Kevin Moran, Kemnovation Ltd.