Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Donald Sawyer

Institute for Society, Population and Nature (ISPN)

At least in Brazil, and probably in many other countries, the low-cost and effective way to promote sustainable use of biodiversity and NTFPs, thus providing multiple environmental, economic and social benefits, would be to remove the various regulatory barriers (sanitary, environmental, organizational, labor law, tax law etc.) that make it practically impossible for local communities and small farmers to produce and market these products. See: Sawyer, Donald. 2011. Entraves regulatórios de atividades extrativistas na Amazônia: problemas, enfrentamentos e soluções. In: Pires, Tatiana de Carvalho; Bueno, Carmem (Eds.). Soerguimento tecnológico e econômico do extrativismo na Amazônia. Brasília: Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos, p.197-251.