agriculture for nutrition platform Bangladesh -Kbd Durlave Roy
Purpose of the agriculture for nutrition platform in bangladesh
- To inspire youth engaged learn to share.
- Cultivate leadership ,Create opportunity for leadership.
- Create a platform for nutrition based networking.
- Knowledge and technology dissemination.
- Knowledge sharing and networking.
- Raising awareness about food security and nutrition.
- To involved multi background young people.
- To disseminate what we have for Ag 4 N.
- To encourage young people engage.
- To promote nutrition sensitive knowledge to mass people.
- To incorporate civil society and political persons to the table.
- To promote WASH-Nutrition to mass people.
- To get small research funding from Ypard or associated institutions.
- Youth involvement an nutrition based agriculture.
- Creating awareness about food nutrition to the community.
- Sharing knowledge and resources to take initiative to future nutrition management in
- To share knowledge and exchange idea among widen audiences to achieves SDG through
sustainable agri intensification via climate smart crop production (a plant needs organic
fertilizer for it to grow in a balanced way).
- To build a network with involvement of stakeholders to ensure nutritional security.
- Engagement with GO,FAO,NGO,Private sector of professional for agriculture based nutrition
movement making knowledge sharing platform. - Thinking and Talking, Change minds, new ways-- --
Durlave Roy