Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Stephen Adejoro

Livestock Industry Foundation for Africa (LFA) NGO

We in Livesstock Industry Foundation For Africa,a non profit livestock food security  NGo, believes in the approprateness of a syndicated multi stake holders and institutional collaboration in creating solutions  to various agro ecological risks affecting sustainable livestock in the global agricultural food system

We believe that such synergistic collaboration  will create and identify innovations of practical solutions to critical challanges facing man and his agricultural practices by the current upsurge of climate change scenario

Climate change is today the World greatest challanges to global plant and animal  sustainable  food production

Iwill make my contribution from the angle of our experiences in Livesstock  industry foundation for Africa here in Ibadan Nigeria .The persistence  desertification,slow onslaught of draught,and the interrupted occurrences of flood are just a few of the disaster posed by climate change to sustainable livestock food production and livestock farmers livelihood in South Sahara Africa (SSA)

Several innovations to minimize  vulnerabilities and increase resiliency of livestock farmers to climate change effects of low yield, hunger and conflicts are mandatory for a reawakened sustainable livestock food production for Africa and help to promote a balance nutrition in pro poor communities of the third World countries most of who reside in the developing regions of the world

Over 30 million pastoralists are  at a constant rust of indiscriminate roaming looking for forage for their animals in Africa ,and about 10 million of this population  can be foundNigeria and along the West Africa axis experiencing the viagries  if climate change impact on their stock and their livelihood ,aside of other livestock farmers that keep intensive and wellbintegrsted small ruminants and monogastrics such as poultry and swine

All of then are seriously under the yoke of climate change wether sedentary or in migration.All these categories of farmers stock and their livelihood are of great concern to Lifango and should be to every dedicated livestock civil society

The core problem facing food scarcity and precipitating conflicts and political unrest ,created by youth restlessness in Africa today I'd advancing desert encroachment ,drying most of our river basins and especially the lake chard from providing secure of farming and grazing to arable farmers and grass for pastoralist .This situation now cause serious conflicts  in Nigeria  Chard Burkina Fasso and in deed most north Africa Livestock dominated regions 

The worst part of the conflicts are perhaps recorded in the souther regions of the countries where roaming herds men are constantly in gun and matcheting conflicts with arable farmers just for lack of forage for transboubdary livestock 

Complicating the above scenerio is the economic recession faced by most countries and particularly countries that are monolithic oil dependents 

The sequell9 of the above scenerio are poor agricultural yield oh animal foid be it large animals small ruminants or the monogastrics 


We in Livesstock Industry Foundation For Africa  believe even as we do practice that it is appropriate to harness native intelligence and m ordern scientific approaches and innovations in empowering our youths and encourage them to believe and have faith in settled or ranching livestovk farming

It is in view of this that we believe in sharing knowledge on the approaches and some solutions on which lifangobnine pillar initiatives was founded by a group of Nigerians and ecpertrites for which Dr .Stephen .Adejoro has the credit of the vision is the address of web site to view some activities of this NGO

The Nine point initiatives are designed to provide solutions to the challanges of the agro ecological adversity facing livestock and Livestock livelihood in Africa


The Solutions expected from the Nine pillar initiatives are capitalized into knowkedge for adoption by farmers and youths and arethis NGO hold lien of this solutions which are outcome of ice 40 decades intensive studies and case reports on livestock management on thefied by practitioners

I will briefly identify these initiatives/innovations for which interested reader can 're view in the NGO or at

1Social enterprises  developed to add value to the herds women milk turning them to yo6 and cheese that may be fact6into school feeding programme ,various shopping mores  and directly into the national G.DP

2Strong advocacy for mycotoxin mitigation especially for settled monogastric and dairy farmers to improve knowledge and produce safe meat egg and meat while sustaining better capacity utilization of their set objectives

2017/10/28/lecture -on-mycotoxin-at--on-mycotoxin-at-the-farmers-and-hatchery-operators-ycotoxin-at--on-mycotoxin-at-the-farmers-and-hatchery-operators-forum-ogun-state/  or http ://blog,


Livestock Mixed portfolio cooperative empowerment programmes 

This innovation is identified empiwerment initiative for restless youths as well as retirees in rural and peru urban locations in west Africa

A practical book published to improve the knowledge of youths in .africa titled livestock Mixed portfolio:A cooperative farming for youth is now internationally published by Lamark publishers of Germany  and in circulation by h

4 National inclusion of   LEGS Livestock  Emergency Guidelines and Standards as appropriate innovative tool by disaster agencies to mitigate livestovk disasters and livelihood of livestock farmers

5Avian Influenza vaccination advocacy in countries practicing NO vaccination Policy in Africa and who have declined resources to compensate farmers stock that are stamped out

6 Education and capacity development

We encourage formation of research based livestock NGO as we are to keep all documentation of field studies and case studies as solution for futureoccurences ,and such cases must be knowledge capitalised as synergy to academic research by universities

We have found such studies useful in the control  of vaccination failures to ND and Mareks  diseases of poultry in .Africa

7 Advocacy for safe water usages by livestock farmers as a sure approach to minimise water borne  diseases in animals and a complementbof One Health One Medicine approach

8  Agro ecological vaccination peculiarity ,as we discourage a broad based universal vaccination protocol for all agro ecological regions that differ in epixootioligy and climate 

9Analytical processing of data to structural far at of easy understanding to farmers


We propise these initiatives and approaches ,as roles We believe that civil society livestovk ..NGo can share with relevant stake holders  gathered together in the committee on Agro ecological approaches and otherinnovations for sustainable livestock agriculture  and animal food system that will enhance animal foid protein security :Arole that Livestock Industry Foundation For Africa  can play

Thank you for granting us this opportunity to contribute and share oyrcexperience in providing possible solution to this global issues

Dr Stephen Adejoro writes on behalf of Lifango  a registered Livestock NGO in Nigeria 

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