Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Åsa Stenmarck

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Dear Sir/Madam

Some comments from Sweden:

*We’d like to refer to our national study Censen et al 2012, available on – showing food waste data and methodology for 2010. We are doing quite a lot on food waste data and will hopefully in autumn publish a summary of all this work in English.

*I don’t fully agree with loss/ waste terms proposed. I know that FAO uses this terminology, many other refer to loss as something unnecessary being thrown away throughout the whole food chain.. Please have a look at the FUSION-project work with definitions. Contact Karin Östergren [email protected] for more information on that topic.

Your other writings sounds reasonable to me.

All the best

Åsa Stenmarck

Climate and sustainable cities - Waste