Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Dear Moderator, 

In response to the policy issues, the private sector’s involvement in promoting nutrition- enhancing food systems are not to be understated. The private sector essentially picks up the slack where government food systems fall short; we must now target policies to  aid the private sector to fulfil its purpose in food security.

Improper nutrition is mainly associated with impoverished nations due to the unavailability of food with adequate nourishment resulting from income constraints.The private sector should then, design policies aimed at sustainable food supply to balance present and future demand in order to prevent unwarranted price increases in food supplies due to excessive demand. In doing this, food supplies will be within reach for low income and impoverished households at affordable prices.

The private sector should also design policies to target production. It is through the use of more technology, production rates can keep up or even exceed the rate of population growth. In achieving this, production numbers must not only be sufficient (so that there is potentially enough food for everyone in the world to be fed), but also proper food distribution, ensuring global food security for everyone.