Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Gokul Chandra,

Agent for Social Change (ASOC)

Care / Social farming is new concept it required to awareness to the world community. In regards to care / Social Farming I can share little information in the following ways:

1. Small farms / farming can develop in slum and cities areas where agricultural products are limited. In such small place city dwellers / municipals can cultivate green fields, beautiful and tasty animals farms for foods, economy, physical improvement of farmers and psychological fitness of localities / visitors both for healthiness of service providers and economy growth.

2. Whereas in rural areas where large size of agriculture land is available, in such areas we can develop and practice big agricultural farms by using organic agriculture products for health and eco-friendly, large animal farms and fisheries or integrated farming for employment generation of rural peoples, regular supply of foods to cities dwellers / consumers and earning good income and maintain physical health, psychological health, social and healthy environment.

3. Its is a part of education to local / rural farmers on new concepts for healthy, employment, economy growth and contributing to maintain of climate change.

For widely practice of Care / Social Farming FAO needs to develop global policy, regional policy, countries agriculture policy based on their social, cultural and food habit system and fittest to their environment. If the world communities widely practice Care / Social Farming in few decades over all the wold communities will get positive impact of Good products of Healthy food items like vegetables,meats, Fishes, Eggs, milk etc, increase employment generation, regular supply of good foods items to cities consumers, Education to farmers, maintain good physical health and psychological health, maintain healthy society and eco-friendly environment and contributing towards maintain of Climate change and social - environment mitigation.