Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

My general view is that some important point are missing in this document specially when it comes to the sustainanle measure to reduce stunting.

For example when we look stunting level in some countries and intrahousehold food sercurity and diversity it's appear that poorest household are more affected.

in west africa for example in Mali and Niger we keep talking about Sikasso or Maradi paradoxe meaning that food secure areas with high stunting burden. apparently we think about behaviour change etc.. however when you look for example Household Economy Analysis data in those area its appear clearly that more the 60% of household are either very poor or poor with low productive capacity cultivating arrournd 0.5 to 1 ha. they food production is not enough to cover yearly need and their icome are used to buy stapple food. only margin amount is used to access diversify food or education or health. We know that diversified diet , health and education are key  deteminant of undernutrition.

I think that the 3.2 social protection should have include priority taking into account the facilitation of land access and technical support for cultivation to very poor and poor household to increase their own production and their relisience.

For example  government autorities or municipalities could put at disposal of poorest household some ha and subisdize the seeds, engines in lieu of given cash transfer or food transfer only without no perspective. 

Undernutrition is mostely an economic access issues that everything. please refer to some cost of the diet study done somewhere in west africa (burkina faso, Mali etc..) you could see that based on local accepted food a balanced diet for children under 2 is so expensive that no poor or middle class could afford it.......

Thank you very much for inviting us to comment this important document.

Mahamadou Tanimoune

Programme Officer (Nutrition)

WFP Kigali,  Rwanda

Mobile :+250 (0)735-806-156

VSAT: 1356-2450