Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Hello everyone,

This document is very comprehensive and I say a big well done to all involved.

I was particulary drawn to the session that mentioned that schools are an excellent setting for promoting healthy eating. However, the teaching of food and nutrition knowledge in our schools is gradually eroding. In most schools around the world, it is offered as an elective/optional subject. Yet this singular issue if given the needed enabling environment have a double advantage of  breaking the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition as 25% of total human growth occurs during the adolescence stage. If properly targeted, girls can take advantage of this growth spurs to catch up on their growth before the reproductive  stage. In addition, behaviours are being formed during adolescence- when properly nutured, good dietary habits are formed, thus, reducing the global cost of  non-communicable dieseases later on in the life cycle.

Thank you

Ayodele Gbemileke