Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Dear facilitators,

I congratulate you for the Voluntary Guidelines, a well complete set in fact, and for the opportunity in discussing them in the forum.

Just to add my support to the comment of Timothy Krupnik on "...adding a section on easy to measure and monitor indicators of sustainable soil management that can be implemented by practitioners and including a toolbox of different methods that can be used to maintain and improve soil quality.".

My view is that providing a guide of indicators would greatly help practicioners, framers, consultants, and others on the search for a sustainable managemnt of soils. These should not be set for regulatory purposes.

Best regards,


Ing. Agr. Fernando O. García, Ph.D.

Director Regional

IPNI Latinoamérica-Cono Sur

Av. Santa Fe 910

(B1641ABO) Acassuso - Buenos Aires
