Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


The following is my contribution to the subject of discussion.

What are your expectations for the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition and how could it make a significant difference in improving nutrition and food security of the people in your country within the next 10 years?

1. I expect funding of the Uganda Nutrition Fellowship in this decade. That NGOs implementing Nutrition especially directly commit to a program that builds capacity of recent graduates in soft skills. These young nutritionists bring on board great enthusiasm and creativity towards achieving goals.

2.  I expect increased advocacy in nutrition both funded and voluntarily. This advocacy should mostly involve rallying the public so as to drive demand for nutrition services from the government. Public demand I believe enables achieve political attention  from which we could get champions for nutrition with minimum efforts.

3. I expect the government of Uganda to strengthen and sustain the multi sector approach for Nutrition that has seen integration of nutrition into sector activities initiated by USAID Uganda. This integration has achieved evidently, if consistently strengthened has potential to reduce rates of malnutrition in the country. Of course, effectively and efficiently. Less money wasted, more to save!

How can other relevant forums, such as the CFS and UNSCN, contribute, and how can other movements (e.g. human rights, environment) be involved in the Decade?

They should create or support platforms like the Uganda Nutrition Fellowship more extensively in various countries as a contribution to building capacity of future nutrition leaders who would take up the nutrition agenda further even after the decade.

Apio Benardate Okiria,

Uganda Nutrition Fellowship.

USAID FANTA project.