Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

1.       My expectations are that it will lead to increased production and marketing of safe food with emphasis on regional comparative advantages. Nigeria is still import dependent on major food items and it should be reversed.This as adversely affected the economy.

2.       Critical activities to be included in the work programme are expansive food production using improved varieties/breeds and technologies; safety measures in crop/animal selection, production, processing, packaging and sales; capital investment in agric and agro- allied sectors; human capital development; enlightenment and education of women and girl child who are mainly households’ food preparers; funding of relevant research in these area.

3.       Quality of commodities can be accelerated via establishing and ensuring that universally accepted standards are maintained in the food system. Government regulatory bodies should be involved while private advocates and monitors sustain the crusade for quality nutrition.

4.       Other relevant fora and movements can be involved through funding of research, supporting advocacy, enlightenment of girl child and women, aids and grants, enforcing sanctions as well as evaluating projects and programmes over time to ensure expected target are achieved.