Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

I am pleased to contribute to the draft work programme on the UN Decade of Action for Nutrition.  I have three suggestions:

1. I suggest adding the bolded clause below.

48. Through the convening and catalytic roles of the Nutrition Decade, action networks will be established. These action networks are informal coalitions of countries aimed at advocating for the establishment of policies and legislation, allowing the exchange of practices, promoting the conduct and capacity strengthening for implementation science, highlighting successes and providing mutual support to accelerate implementation.

2. I suggest adding the bolded clause below:

58. The Nutrition Decade will seek to strengthen the quality and efficiency of policy and programme implementation and monitoring, including the application of implementation science. Technical assistance will need to be responsive and opportunistic in leveraging technological advances. An emphasis will be placed on amplifying country capacities and on ensuring that knowledge and experiences are shared and successes are scaled up where possible.

3. In Table 1 I suggest adding the following:

Implementation science: strengthen the capacity, funding and practice of implementation science at country and global levels.