Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Please find below comments to the draft Work Programme of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition.


General comments on the draft work programme of the UN Decade of Action

- It is an excellent draft which translates into action ICN2 and Agenda 2030 commitments on nutrition. In particular, Italy wishes to underline the added value of focusing on stimulating concrete nationally-determined policies and programmes with the objective of creating sustainable food systems and enabling environments that promote healthy dietary practices. A localized approach is of utmost importance in order to ensure member state ownership of initiatives and policies in the context.

- What stands out in the draft is the operationalization of a “food system” approach, which is crucial in order to promote healthy, sustainable diets that improve nutrition. All actions and initiatives should thus be conceputalised not as isolated interventions but as placed in the context of a “food system”, thus taking into account political, environmental, cultural and socio-economic factors such as poverty, inequality and climate change. More reflection on the root causes on malnutrition in all its forms (poverty, unemployment) would be appreciated.

- Having this in mind, within the first action area on sustainable, resilient food systems for healthy diets, more detail would be appreciated on the issue of local diets, in particular on its outcomes in terms of mitigating the impact of climate change on health. 

- Moreover, a reference to the issue of migration and migrant populations could be included in the document, as migration flows have had a significant effect on the nutritional conditions of populations. As an example, it would be important that countries develop “national epidemiological observatories on nutrition" in order to be able to exchange data and implement the adequate health policies for nutrition (such as correcting for any possible lack of micro or macro nutrients). 

- Finally, we appreciate the establishment of Nutrition Decade champions and of action networks on specific topics of relevance for the Decade, as mechanisms for encouraging commitment.