Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


I wish to thank the organizers of this programme for allowing us participate in this valuable discussion. I wish to share Nigeria experience on similar issue under discussion -  The National Directorate of Employment (NDE)

In 1960s and 1970s, the Nigerian economy provided jobs for the teeming population and also absorbed considerable number of imported labour in the scientific sector. However, following the oil boom of the 1970s, there was a massive migration of youths to urban areas in search of wage employment. The downturn in the economy in the 1980s exacerbated problem of unemployment. Since then successive government s have made several spirited efforts through policies to create jobs and reduce unemployment in the country. One of such efforts is the creation of  the National Directorate of Employment NDE in 1986 to empower the unemployed graduate and unskilled youths to acquire marketable skills that would help them set up their own farm business. The program has recorded both successes and failures.

What are the biggest challenge youth in Africa face after going through development initiatives in agriculture?

The biggest challenge faced by the benefactors of the NDE program is lack of infrastructure.

The decadent state of infrastructure in Nigeria limits the youth effectiveness and remains a barrier to success

Infrastructure such as good roads, good drinking water, electricity, health faculties, and markets are necessities in any agricultural business. Machinery, equipment and farm inputs have to be moved into the farms along roads while the products from the farms have to be transported to areas where they are required in other to make profits and therefore remain in business. The processing, preservation and storage of the products of the farm before marketing require electricity at times. The youth who are the benefactors of this program, like their counterparts also have great attraction for social amenities like good drinking water, schools and good health

Another challenge is that of the pest and diseases which cause the following damage.

a) Large quantities of farm produce are lost both in the field and in the storage

b) They spend extra money in supplying to the farm and in the purchase of chemicals to control the pest and diseases

c) There is reduction in quantity and quality of the farms’ product

What are the examples of existing post capacity development sustainability initiatives for youth in agriculture in Africa? What works and what do not? Are there good stories and good practices that can be shared?

Presently in Nigeria government is developing business centers like Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agencies of Nigerian ( SMEDIAN ) in some states of the country to  provide basic training on needed tools to do business, on how to raise finance and how to manage their personal resources.

The program is effective in the states where it is established

What post – capacity development support do the youth need? What can the youth do to support each other in developing their skills and capacities?

  • They need finance to continue in the farm business. More SMEDIAN centers should be established in all states of the federation
  • They need regular education which will improve efficiency on the farm
  • The youth can support themselves through networking, attending Agricultural days,  workshops, seminars and conferences

What enabling environment is needed to ensure sustainability of youth I agriculture capacity development initiative?

Agriculture is capital intensive, agencies that are saddled with the job of empowering the youth in terms of training and financial support should be provided with enough fund to perform their duty

Good roads and other infrastructural supports should be provided

Unfriendly tax regime is affecting the performance of the youth in agriculture. to encourage more investment  agricultural activities should be tax free for some years until agriculture  occupies its rightful position of proving food for man and animals, raw materials for industries and revenue for government

Government could review the curriculum of the nation’s higher institutions and universities to inculcate functional entrepreneurship/ agri-neurship skills in the graduates so that they can become employers rather than employees

Is there a role for modern technologies, including information and communication technologies in sustaining capacity development initiatives?

Yes. The honorable former  minister of Agriculture Dr Adesina introduced the use of mobile phones to contact farmers directly-  He used this medium to provide farmers with fertilizers, improved seeds and finance and technical training on their farm production.