Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Per person per year egg consumption in India is just only 66 eggs, with huge regional variations. For instance, in Uttar Pradesh it is only 10 eggs. While in neighboring China, it is 300 eggs/head/year. Appreciably, the National Institute of Nutrition- an institution under Indian Council of Medical Research has recommended and made the provision of eggs compulsory in mid-day meals, being cheaper, safer, more nutritious and easier to procure than alternatives such as milk or bananas. In spite of recommendation coming from such a high level institution, it has not yet been implemented in many states. In the matters of health, people, institutions and government must rise above social and religious considerations, if any. The National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) has made efforts in India to boost egg consumption among public in general and school children in particular. Such efforts need support from public and institutions. The celebrating World Egg Day on the second Friday in October each year is one good way of boosting egg consumption. The institutions concerned with livestock and poultry research and production should shoulder the responsibility of promoting egg consumption. The private sector especially the poultry industry can play larger role by launching egg promotional campaigns, possibly by including this in their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) schemes. There are huge opportunities in poultry sector in India, if we could promote egg consumption from the current low level to higher levels.

Hoping for the best !
