Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


Hacia el desarrollo de un Programa de Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles (SFSP)

Estimados todos,

De conformidad con el Memorando de Entendimiento mejorado firmado el 24 de Septiembre de 2014, por el Director General de la FAO y el Director Executivo del PNUMA, la FAO y el PNUMA están desarrollando conjuntamente un programa sobre sistemas alimentarios sostenibles en el Marco decenal de Programas sobre modalidades de Consumo y Producción Sostenibles (10YFP), basado en la experiencia y el trabajo del Programa Sostenible de Sistemas Alimentarios FAO-PNUMA. La iniciativa sigue a una decisión del Grupo de Trabajo Agroalimentario sobre Consumo y Producción Sostenibles del SFSP de la FAO-PNUMA, la aprobación de la Junta del 10YFP de una propuesta preliminar presentada por la FAO y el PNUMA, y la recomendación de la Comisión de Agricultura de la FAO en su 24º período de sesiones.

Dentro de este proceso, una consulta pública está organizada para:

  1. Recopilar información sobre las iniciativas relevantes para el desarrollo del Programa, en particular para evitar la duplicación y facilitar sinergias y asociaciones [utilice este formulario]
  2. recoger comentarios y aportaciones sobre un borrador corto del documento de exposición de conceptos, para continuar el desarrollo del Programa [utilice este formulario]
  3. recoger expresiones de interés potencial de entidades para participar en el Programa como líderes/colíderes y/o como miembros del Comité asesor de múltiples partes interesadas (CAM) y/o coordinadores del área de trabajo y/o simples socios [utilice este formulario].

Los resultados de la consulta se utilizarán para desarrollar aún más el documento de exposición de conceptos. Se constituirá un Comité consultivo de múltiples partes interesadas (CAM), con líderes y colíderes.

Los líderes y colíderes, con el CAM finalizarán el documento de exposición de conceptos y prepararán una propuesta de programe, que se presentará a la Secretaria del 10YFP para la validación oficial de la Junta del 10YFP. Para más detalles sobre el proceso por favor visitar

Le damos las gracias de antemano por su interés, apoyo y esfuerzos, y por compartir sus conocimientos y experiencias con nosotros.

Esperamos contar con sus contribuciones

Sra Maria Helena Semedo

FAO Director General Adjunto

Sr Ibrahim Thiaw

UNEP Director Ejecutivo Adjunto


Le rogamos utilice los formularios suministrados para enviarnos sus comentarios y súbalos a continuación como un archivo adjunto a su aportación.

Tiene que haber iniciado sesión para acceder. Si usted aún no es miembro del Foro FSN, inscríbase aquí.

Como opción alternativa, puede enviar los formularios completados a [email protected]


Esta actividad ya ha concluido. Por favor, póngase en contacto con [email protected] para mayor información.

*Pinche sobre el nombre para leer todos los comentarios publicados por ese miembro y contactarle directamente
  • Leer 154 contribuciones
  • Ampliar todo

Dear all,

Please find in attachment the document for Participation in SFS Program and the Feedback form.

Best regards,



Prof. Dr. F. Xavier Medina (Ph D)


Department of Food Systems, Culture and Society

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Av. Tibidabo, 39-43

E-08035 Barcelona

Dear All,

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all participants to thank Maria and Ibrahim for taking out the time and moderating this important consultation, flowing into the proposed ten  year programme. My contribution with supporting attachments are trailed below.

Warm regards,



Development of Programme for Nutrition & Food Systems which are Sustainable in the Long Term

FAO and UNEP’s public consultation on the proposed programme on sustainable food systems under the 10-Year Framework to be successful needs to focus on long term, low cost low risk agro ecology systems, putting the rural poor producer communities to work gainfully, thus accessing own requirements of nutritious food and cash, at little or no cost, if we are to reduce the effects of climate change, hunger, malnutrition, poverty, suicides whilst increasing net income/ purchasing power and improving livelihoods of smallholders, pastoralists, tenants, tribals, etc., all of them will also contribute to feeding their increasing populations, economic development, growth and in the long term.

The programme also needs to ensure that the producer communities are assisted and facilitated to set up their producer orgs/ company (PC) but staffed by professionals (general practitioners [GPs]/ MBAs in agriculture) to take over all risks and responsibilities other than on farm activities, link to a case study:, set up one of the poorest districts of Orissa, India, where thousands of its members have become sustainable in the long term over the last 5 years. Attached are docs providing evidence, etc.

Cesar E. López

Alianza BERAS del Caribe
Dominican Republic

Thank you for inviting contributions to United Nations Sustainable Food Systems Programme of the 10-year framework of programs on sustainable consumption and production (10YFP).

Please find enclosed from our BERAS of the Caribbean completed forms:

-        Feedback Form

-        Opportunity to participate in the 10YP-SFSP

We are looking forward to participate in this program, to learn and develop together with other initiatives in the framework of the UN 10YFP.

Best regards

Cesar E. López


Alianza BERAS del Caribe

Good evening,

On behalf of Biovision Foundation and the Millennium Institute, I am pleased to send you attached our contribution to the consultation on the topic: "Towards the Development of the Programme on Sustainable Food Systems (SFSP)".

We remain available for any questions or further information you may require, and we are looking forward to continue following and contributing to the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme.

Your sincerely,

Michael Brander

Senior Policy Advisor

Dear Colleagues, 

As promised, here is the second form for organizational participants. I am a member of the Board of Directors of the Vancouver Women's Health Collective, which is interested in participating as per the attached. Though I am also Senior Fellow at the University of British Columbia (Institute of Asian Research), I am not authorized to speak on behalf of UBC so cannot fill out a form for the university. Having said that, participants in the forum will be interested in knowing that UBC has a Centre for Sustainable Food Systems (run out of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems - LFS) as well as an experimental farm. There are scholars working on sustainable food-systems in a variety of institutes, departments etc beyond LFS including Community and Regional Planning, Geography, Social Work, Health Sciences and even humanities departments. 

I did not fill out the form documenting projects because there there are just too many to mention. Canada alone has sustainable food systems organisations and projects from coast to coast to coast operating in both English and French (our two official languages) as well as others focused on more specific communities (indigenous, minority ethnic etc.). A good contact is the Canadian Association of Food Studies. 

I have worked extensively on sustainable food-systems and look forward to hearing about the outcome of these discussions. Thanks for allowing me to participate.

Gisèle Yasmeen (

Greetings from Humane Society International,

Attached, please find our feedback form on the 10yfp 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems draft concept note.   I have also attached our expression on interest in being a 10yfp partner, and a description of our global Meatless Monday Program (stock taking).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this consultation.

Kind regards,


Chetana Mirle, Ph.D.