Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Reports and briefs

Informes y resúmenes

Migración y Crisis Prolongadas - Abordar las causas subyacentes y establecer medios de susbsistencia agrícolas resilientes

El presente documento tiene por objetivo mejorar la comprensión de la migración en situaciones de crisis prolongada explicando el contexto y aportando ejemplos del trabajo que la FAO, junto con sus asociados, ha estado realizando en varios países para fortalecer la resiliencia de las comunidades y '...

Informes y resúmenes

Global challenges for a sustainable production of food of animal origin

Food of animal origin contribute to meet human requirements and have large significance, mainly for children and juveniles as well as for pregnant and lactating women and they may stabilize human nutrition. Due to the increase of global population, the higher income in many countries and to overcome...

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Informes y resúmenes

Agriculture, food systems, diets and nutrition in Zambia

Zambian agricultural production is focused on one staple cereal: maize. Maize makes up the major part of the national diet, while nutrient-rich foods such as legumes, animal-source foods, fruit and vegetables are eaten in small quantities, particularly amongst the poorest families. Many Zambians...

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Informes y resúmenes

Monitoring food security in countries with conflict situations

This report aims to provide an overview of the food security situation in conflict-affected countries and to provide regular monitoring of the food security situation in the countries currently being monitored by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The analysis takes into consideration the...

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Informes y resúmenes

What drives diversification of national food supplies? A cross-country analysis

Little previous research has explored what drives the diversification of national food supplies (DFS) across countries and regions. We construct and analyse a cross-country dataset linking a simple DFS indicator - the share of calories supplied by nonstaple foods - with structural transformation and...

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Informes y resúmenes

How Senegal created an enabling environment for nutrition: A story of change

In the past 15 years, Senegal has made considerable progress in the fight against child undernutrition. To better understand how this was achieved, 11 national policy documents published between 2001 and 2015 were reviewed, and interviews were held with 25 key-informants from the government, donor...

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