Este miembro contribuyó a:
Migración rural, agricultura y desarrollo rural
Consultas- -
Prof. Carlos Granado Fernandez
Universidad Politécnica de las Fuerzas ArmadasVenezuela (República Bolivariana de)In my country Venezuela there is much work to do specifically in this area of gender inequality is not doing anything, women spend long hours queuing to buy regulated food and have left the countryside many live in neighborhoods close to the city and never return...
I hope this situation changes soon because there is a lot of malnutrition especially in children and the elderly. Greetings from Venezuela
Prof. Carlos Granado Fernandez
Universidad Politécnica de las Fuerzas ArmadasVenezuela (República Bolivariana de)English translation below
Las politicas de extension y asesoria agraria en una comunidad agricola determinada deben surgir de sus necesidades mas sentidas y esto solo se logra conviviendo con ellos hasta el punto de ser aceptado como uno mas de ellos, con objetivos y metas claramente definidos en un cronograma de tiempo y con estrategias que se adapten a cada comunidad, no es igual una comunidad que carece de agua, principal limitante para la produccion agricola, que otra comunidad que carece de insumos agricolas como en mi pais VENEZUELA, que los productores trabajan a duras penas pese a que hay agua de sobra para producir. Las semillas no son certificadas, los fertilizantes son escasos y muy costosos, etc.
En relacion al punto de desigualdad de genero, las mujeres en mi pais han abandonado el campo para hacer largas filas y obtener productos subsidiados por el gobierno...
Agricultural extension and advisory policies in any agricultural community must arise from its members most pressing needs, and this is only achieved by living with them to the point of being accepted as one of them, with clearly defined objectives and goals within a timeframe, and with strategies that are adapted to each community. It is not the same a community that lacks water -the main limiting factor for crop production-, than another community that lacks agricultural inputs, as happens in my country VENEZUELA, where producers are working in dire conditions despite the fact that there is plenty of water. Seeds are not certified, fertilizers are scarce and very expensive, etc.
Regarding the issue of gender inequality, women in my country have left the farms and are now waiting in long lines in order to obtain subsidized products by the government.
Prof. Carlos Granado Fernandez
Universidad Politécnica de las Fuerzas ArmadasVenezuela (República Bolivariana de)English translation below
En mi pais VENEZUELA hay muy poca participacion en sus programas a pesar de que necesitamos mas que otro pais en la region de estos programas ya que tenemos muchos problemas de desnutricion en todas sus categorias como consecuencia de la falta de produccion de alimentos.
Esta situacion a empeorado drasticamente este año pese a los esfuerzos del gobierno de subsidiar algunos alimentos a los mas necesitados sin ningun tipo de resultado por la corrupcion del sistema de distribucion que caracteriza a los empleados que laboran en estos programas.
Enfermedades como la diabetes son mas frecuentes por la falta de azucar en la dieta diaria.
Espero estas sencillas palabras le sean de alguna utilidad, en nombre de mis hermanos, y nos apoyen para mejorar la nutricion en nuestro pais.
Saludos Ing. Prof. Carlos Granado F
Even though my country, VENEZUELA, is the one that most needs these programmes in the region due to the many undernutrition problems caused by food production shortages, the overall involvement of the population is very limited.
This year this situation has deteriorated dramatically despite the government's efforts to subsidize several food products to those in greatest need. The corrupt distribution system, also affecting the employees working in these programmes, makes the attempt fruitless.
Diseases like diabetes are more frequent due to the lack of sugar in the daily diet.
I hope you find these simple remarks useful, on behalf of my brothers, and that you will help us to improve nutrition in our country.
Best regards,
Prof. Eng. Carlos Granado Fernández
Prof. Carlos Granado Fernandez
In my country Venezuela for several years is occurring this situation, rural workers migrate to the city seeking better living conditions, which generally do not find and increase the belts of urban poverty and marginality. This situation is mainly due to two reasons:
1. The lack of inputs for the producer to work obsolete agricultural machinery, lack of irrigation systems, lack of certified seed, fertilizers and chemicals to control pests.
2. Legal Insecurity: The agricultural producer must sell the crop to the government which is paid as and when he wants.
The costs of production do not even cover the payment of labor for the workers. At the moment it is very common to see many rural workers selling their harvest as informal merchants without any type of regulation which distorts the prices of the products generating inflation and shortage by the game of supply and demand. In addition, rural workers state that they can not work for a minimum wage in the countryside because it is not enough to cover their basic needs.
Finally we must conclude that this situation is a direct responsibility of the bad economic policies of the government that when it had the price of a barrel of oil in more than 100 $ did not invest in infrastructure and production of agroinsumos but that is dedicated to import food from producers of other countries to the detriment of domestic producers and now are paying the consequences of these wrong policies ...