Luis Antonio Hualda

Just some thoughts on the annotated outline of the 2018 SOFA that I would like to share.
On the bi-directional linkages of rural migration and agriculture and rural development:
Rural migration can adversely affect agriculture and rural development due to declining availability of labour and productivity, and the lack of opportunities in agriculture and rural areas can drive migration as well. This may be viewed as a bi-directional linkage but perhaps this may be viewed as a reinforcing loop, wherein each intensifies the effects along the process. The effects of this loop create off-shoots of additional drivers such as conflict, which also creates an environment that drives rural migration. A holistic and systems perspective in viewing rural migration might be helpful in identifying key causes and formulation of key strategies for policies.
On Moving Forward:
There may be a need to explore the role of municipal and territorial planning in rural migration, agriculture and rural development. Economic opportunities, or lack thereof, can drive rural migration. The creation of economic opportunities in a specific jurisdiction and improving the welfare of its constituents are the responsibility of a city/municipal/territorial government. However, migration transcends boundaries and the adverse effects and benefits that come along with it are transferred to the jurisdiction of local or national governments. This can leave some jurisdictions as better off while others may be worse off. Developing policies to moving forward especially for safe, orderly and regular migration may have to consider this. This will require a change in the process of municipal and territorial planning adopted by governments.
Dear Madam/Sir:
Some contribution to the consultation.
Have the key elements of governance issues and integrated approaches to addressing rural-urban linkages been captured? If not, what is missing?
The implementation of decentralization provided local governments with an avenue to have greater control over local resources, which can be used to improve services and enhance the welfare of constituents. However, providing better services may involve greater expenses that will require a larger amount of funds, which can be obtained from generating greater revenues. Generation of local revenues can be increased by investing local resources and prioritizing economic activities that can have greater returns.
Strengthening of urban-rural linkages can potentially enhance the performance of food systems because it can provide for the efficient flow of commodities, inputs, information and technology. However, this will require coordination among local governments who generally have their autonomy because of decentralization. There is a need to look at the political dynamics in terms of the configuration or structure of governments. There may be a need to look at how collaboration between local governments can work to improve urban-rural linkages.
Where/how do you think CFS can add the most value to current initiatives aimed at addressing food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation?
There is very little doubt that city/town planning can contribute to initiative addressing food security and nutrition. However, there is a gap in the knowledge and skills of city/town planners particularly in the area of integrating the food system in city/town plans. This was mentioned in Pothukuchi and Kaufman’s work in the US. This issue was also identified by the Meeting Urban Food Needs Project (MUFN). Technical assistance can be provided by the CFS in equipping these city/town planners with skills and knowledge to address the gap.
A Policy Guide Book that has a dynamic framework for addressing the concerns may be developed by the CFS.
Kind regards,
Luis Antonio T. Hualda
School of Management
University of the Philippines Mindanao
Davao City, Philippines
Luis Antonio Hualda
Dear FSN Forum Team,
Thank you for opening the opportunity to contribute to this important document. Please find attached my contribution to the consultation on the development of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition.
Kind regards,
Luis Antonio T. Hualda