Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Este miembro contribuyó a:

    • Dear CFS Secretariat,

      It is my great pleasure to send you our response on the open call for experiences in the use and application of the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) for improving food security and nutrition.

      This is a project in which different strategic planning tools were developed to catalyze young agri-entrepreneurs’ investments and ensuring their sustainability. The tools were tested and applied in eleven African countries. The technical partnership between FAO, the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture, the Swiss National Committee of FAO (CNS-FAO), and Bern University of Applied Sciences - School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL) set in motion a creative dynamic linking technical, political and development perspectives.

      We hope to be able to enrich with our submission the global thematic event (GTE) that will be organized during the October 2022 Plenary Session.

      Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

      Best regards

      Madeleine Kaufmann

    • Dear GSP-Secretariat

      Dear Mister Mansur

      The Federal Office for Agriculture of Switzerland (FOAG) welcomes the work achieved so far in the zero-draft of the International Code of Conduct for the Use and Management of Fertilizers (CoCoFe), and expresses gratitude for having been given the opportunity to provide feedback on it. We are very pleased to send in attachment our contribution in response to the open second round of e-consultation on the draft V0 of the report.

      Please find attached our feedback directly in track in the uploaded document.

      Among the comments we made, here a short summary:

      • This extensive document covers topics on fertilizer use and management in its entirety. However, the document misses a clear structure, the numeration appears rather random. Is the absence of a table of contents and headings on purpose?
      • First Paragraph (last sentence): Addition of soil pollution
      • Definition of Fertilizer (Page 4, "What is a fertilizer?"): We would prefer synthetic or mineral fertilizer, rather than chemical and mineral fertilizer. 
      • Chapter 7, Point We are of the opinion that if a certain contaminant is present below the respective national limit value, there is no need for declaration of the exact content of this contaminant

      We remain at your disposal should you require any further information.

      Best regards

      Madeleine Kaufmann

      Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER

      Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG

      International Affairs and Food Security Unit

      [email protected]