Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

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    • Hello members

      As a young man based in Kampala Uganda, my expectations for the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition are high, because I believe the UN has better plans and better ways that it can use to implement it's Programmes of improving nutrition and food security in different countries including the most poorest countries in Africa.

      My expectations for the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition are, I expect to see some development in poor countries mostly those affected by hunger, at the same time changing the lives of those living in rural areas mostly those who deal in agriculture, improving the markets of agricultural products and finding better ways in which rural farmer can get better training programmes, education and knowledge that they can use in improving their agricultural products and livelihoods.

      I believe the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition can really make a lasting difference in improving nutrition and food security of the people in my country, because if people feed well, that means they live a healthy life and farmers will also gain from their agricultural products due to the better markets that will be put in place by the UN programs that are being negotiated by World leaders to improve nutrition and food security of the people in the World, and food security will be improved because farmers will have enough knowledge that they can use to grow better crops that can be stored for future use and they will also  practice better agricultural activities to increase their yields. Thank you

      Warm regards

      Mwesigye Siryebo

    • It's great that the International Community is coming out to tackle the challenges faced by rural youth aged 15 and 17, we all understand that the agricultural sector is one of the most important sectors in the development of any country. But here in Africa rural youth face alot of challenges ranging from lack of enough schools, resources used in agricultural activities and lack of proper government policies that can attract them to take up agriculture as real business. A big number of rural youth don't take agriculture as a real business that can help them in uplifting their livelihoods, and because of that, food security is affected and it also affects the development of their communities and that's why we can see a big number of young people migrating from rural areas to urban areas searching out for better opportunities. But if the International Community works together with the government so that they put up agricultural schools, institutions and organisations that can teach them and also encourage them to take up agriculture as real business that can change the way they live and their families thus fighting hunger and poverty. Thank you.