Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Global Report on Food Crises 2017

The European Union, WFP and FAO have joined forces to coordinate the compilation of analyses to increase the impact of humanitarian and resilience responses through the preparation of the “Global report on Food Crises”. The Global Report enhances coordination and decision-making through a neutral analysis that informs program planning and implementation. The key objective and strength of the report is to establish a consultative and consensus-based process to compile food insecurity analysis from throughout the world into a global public product to inform annual planning and resource allocation decisions. Technical, operational and financial partners require evidence-based information to ensure appropriate planning and resources to tackle the consequences of food security crises within an evolving humanitarian financing landscape. The World Humanitarian Summit has prompted a major rethink of the way response financing is delivered in crisis settings, highlighting the need for more long-term development investments to address risk, prevent crises and build resilience. 

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