Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Call for submissions

Towards the development of a Voluntary Code of Conduct on the sustainable use of plastics in agriculture

The agricultural sector has witnessed a significant increase in the use of plastics, with an estimated 12.5 million tonnes of plastic products being utilized annually in plant and animal production[1]. Plastics have brought about numerous benefits in food production, such as improved crop yield and efficient water use. However, due to improper management and lack of access to adequate end-of-life management and infrastructure, plastic products used in agriculture are often discarded or abandoned in the environment, leading to potential harm to human health and the environment.

In 2021, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) conducted an in-depth assessment[2] that shed light on both the advantages and challenges posed by plastics in agriculture. The study emphasized the importance of striking a balance between the benefits and trade-offs of plastics used in agriculture, and highlighted the urgent need for global action, improved governance, and inter-sectoral collaboration to address the multifaceted issues surrounding plastic use in agrifood systems.

In line with the recommendations of FAO Council[3]  FAO is working on the development of the Voluntary Code of Conduct on the sustainable use of plastics in agriculture (VCoC). The aim of the VCoC is to provide a policy framework in support of a sustainable use of plastics in agriculture and their alternatives, by assisting policy makers in creating and strengthening policies and strategies, and by providing the other stakeholders along the agri-food value chain recommendations and best practices.

The VCoC will address the sustainable use of plastics in agriculture in the context of agrifood systems transformation towards more efficiency, inclusivity, resilience, and sustainability. It will aim to better balance the benefits and trade-offs of the use of plastics in agriculture to contribute to food security, food safety, nutrition, human health, environmental sustainability and related dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental).

The consultation process for the development of the Voluntary Code of Conduct on the sustainable use of plastics in agriculture

To inform the development of the VCoC, FAO is carrying out inclusive and geographically representative consultations with a wide range of stakeholders. The consultation process included an Informal Briefing for FAO Members which took place in May 2023, a Global Expert Meeting held in June 2023, and six Regional Multi-Stakeholder Consultations taking place between September and November 2023.

This Call for submissions has been envisioned as a key component of the consultation process to allow a wide range of participants around a globe and across sectors to contribute their inputs towards the development of the VCoC. This call will remain available throughout the duration of the Regional Consultations, offering participants a chance to extend the discussion on the VCoC development and share their views and suggestions online through the FSN Forum.

FAO's Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment (OCB) invites stakeholders to share good practices and lessons learned on the sustainable use of plastics and agriculture and their alternatives.

You are welcome to respond to any of the questions in the submission template, as per your interest and expertise. Your responses, alongside the feedback we gather during our ongoing webinar consultations, will help inform the first full draft of the VCoC.

Please use this submission template (available in English) to provide your feedback by answering questions in any of the six UN languages (English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese). 

To take part in this Call for submissions, please get registered or login to your account on the FSN Forum; download the submission template and upload the completed submission form in the box “Post your contribution” on this webpage. For any technical support regarding downloading or uploading the submission form, please send an email to [email protected].

The Call for Submissions is open until November 7, 2023.

We look forward to receiving your valuable input and learning from your experiences.


  • Lev Neretin, Environment Workstream Lead, Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, FAO
  • Alashiya Gordes, Natural Resources Officer, OCB, FAO
  • Marilique Nijmeijer, Associate Professional Officer, OCB, FAO
  • Matteo Zandonella Bolco, Programme Management Specialist, OCB, FAO
  • Giulia Carcasci, Agricultural Plastics and Sustainability Specialist, OCB, FAO


[1] FAO, 2021. Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability. A call for action. Rome.

[2] FAO, 2021. Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability. A call for action. Rome.

[3] FAO, 2022. Report of the Council of FAO. Hundred and Seventy-first Session

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Xavier Ferry

Comité International des Plastiques en Agriculture

Comité Français des Plastiques en Agricoles (CPA) is the French professional for plastics in agriculture, ensuring technical development and organiziing the National Collection Scheme called APE (Agriculture Plastics Environment).

CPA ensure the sustainable use of plastics with agronomic effect used in agriculture, including assesment of biodegradable products use, R&D for soilage removal at retrieving, support for investment in dedicated recycling capacities and design for recycling assesment.

Sr. Michael Mulet-Solon

WWF & Working Group 'Mainstreaming sustainable food systems in key policy fora' of the One Planet network's Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme

Please find attached:

Response from the Working Group 'Mainstreaming sustainable food systems in key policy fora' of the One Planet network's Sustainable Food Systems Programme (10YFP).

Thank you very much for the opportunity to submit contributions to this important instrument.

A Voluntary Code of Conduct (VCoC) on the sustainable use of plastics in agriculture may be effectively implemented only when all players along the agro-plastics chain (production/use/retrieving/recycling) would be effectively involved. Basing on the scientifical/technical experience, gained even during several national/international relevant Projects, this means that:

-) Manufacturing industries: they should produce agro-plastics on the base of a specific design i.e., considering technical parameters set on the specific conditions in which that material will be employed - e.g.: geographical location and relevant climatic conditions; typology of agricultural application (crops, animal, etc.); possible agrochemicals employed during crop production; recycling options (design-for-recycling); other socio/economic/technical/agronomic conditions; etc. (please refer to my scientific publication, here attached);

-) Public institutions: they would create and support systems with relevant guidelines for the traceability of agro-plastics (exploiting advanced technologies, e.g.: Bar/QR-Codes; Tags; RFID; etc.), so as to organize the timely collection and entrainment of post-consumer agro-plastics towards disposal facilities, immediately after the end of their working life, so contributing to the implementation of a Circular Economy as well;

-) Private stakeholders along the agro-plastic chain (distributors; dealers; waste collectors; recyclers/disposers; etc.): they would spontaneously join the recovery and recycling scheme, attracted by an interest from their proactive involvement in the material traceability process and economic revenues arising from transforming that plastic material into a new commodity;

-) Farmers, foresters and fishers - even through their Associations/Cooperatives: they should be specifically trained to install, manipulate and finally collect/sorting the post-consumer material, so as to optimize its routing towards the best disposal solution. The proactive involvement of farmers is the fundamental and decisive factor, to contribute to reduce the plastic footprint of agriculture, a serious environmental problem that, to be solved, needs primarily a technical approach (anyway based on scientific results). First outcomes gained during the training activities of the TANGO-Circular Project ( financed by the EU Erasmus+ Programme, are confirming the essential role that farmers can play in creating suitable conditions for solving this serious environmental problem, finding at the same time opportunities for new revenues, gained through transforming a “waste” into a new resource. (Training modules freely available after registering on the Project e-learning platform, at:

The submission template will follow soon.

Prof. Pietro Picuno – University of Basilicata (Italy) – [email protected]


La contaminación que producen la mala disposición final de los envases de agroquímicos es un problema creciente en nuestras zonas rurales. En el proyecto Paisaje Andinos de FAO en Ecuador estamos trabajando de manera mancomunada para resolver estos problemas. Adjunto se encuentra a mas detalle el trabajo y nuestra propuesta.