Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Aprendizaje y gestión del conocimiento

Master in Human Development and Food Security


The Master in Human Development and Food Security is a truly international course that draws students from all over the world. Professors are from prestigious universities and International organizations in United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy. Teaching and learning experience are well-structured, practical issues are discussed and students get to meet high level professionals by participating in international debates and global discussions on trends in human development and food security. Our innovative partnerships with United Nations Agencies as WFP and with many other NGOs and organizations, offer students the opportunity to garner substantial experience through group research, internships and consultancy positions.

The Program consists of 12 months, with lectures held in Rome (October - July), followed by an Internship/dissertation/field research in Italy or abroad (August – October). The theoretical part of the Master includes five modules: Development Economics, Quantitative Techniques, Human Development, Food Security, and Rural Development. All the master activities are in English. The Master comprised a total of 60 credits (ECTS) for a total of 1.500 hours.

Students have to discuss their final thesis or internship report again in Rome.

To apply and to have info about the costs, PLEASE check the MASTER HDFS website

3 scholarship are available- find more info here:

Informes y resúmenes

A Common Analytical Model for Resilience Measurement

This paper published by the Food Security Information Network (FSIN) proposes a common analytical model that comprises six components upon which resilience measurement may be based. It also: defines resilience capacity as a multi-dimensional, multi-level mediator of shocks and stressors; identifies...

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Informes y resúmenes

Resilience Measurement Principles - Toward an Agenda for Measurement Design

The Food Security Information Network (FSIN) supports the development and harmonization of resilience measurement methods. A technical working group composed of renowned experts was constituted to lead the identification of resilience measurement principles and the development of a common analytical...

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New FAO E-Learning on Gender in Food and Nutrition Security

This free online course provides guidance on how to design and implement agriculture policies and programmes that are gender-responsive, sustainable, contributing to gender equality, and therefore able to improve food and nutrition security.


Consulta del HLPE sobre el borrador cero del informe: Agua y Seguridad Alimentaria: Agua y seguridad alimentaria

En octubre de 2013, el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA) pidió al Grupo de Alto Nivel de Expertos en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (HLPE, por sus siglas en inglés) preparar un informe sobre el Agua y la Seguridad Alimentaria. Los resultados finales del estudio se incorporarán al 42º período de sesiones del CSA en octubre de 2015.

Como parte del proceso de elaboración de sus informes, el HLPE busca ahora aportaciones, sugerencias y comentarios sobre el presente borrador cero. Esta consulta electrónica será utilizada por el grupo de expertos para avanzar en la redacción del informe, que luego será sometido a la revisión de expertos externos, antes de su finalización y aprobación por el Comité Directivo del HLPE.

New course: Food security in an urbanising society

Due to continuing rural-urban migration, over 50% of the world’s population now lives in densely populated urban areas. They rely heavily on all sorts of markets for their daily food needs. These are supplied through overstressed, complex agro-logistical networks that often fail. This course offered by the Centre for Development Innovation of Wageningen UR focuses on how rural production and urban market systems can be integrated such that rural and urban communities can access nutritious food that is both affordable and acceptable.


Sensibilización y comunicación: ¿Qué funciona para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición a nivel de país?

El grado en que la información sobre la SAN producida es realmente utilizada por los tomadores de decisiones y tiene influencia en la formulación de políticas, sigue estando poco claro. Mediante este foro nos gustaría explorar los factores que contribuyen a que nuestras pruebas y conocimientos sean realmente usados en los procesos de formulación de políticas, en particular, a nivel nacional y regional. 

International Course on Rights-based approach to food and nutrition security

The Food and Nutrition Security Training programme of the Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen UR is pleased to announce the organisation of the

‘International Course on Rights-based approach to food and nutrition security, to be held in Wageningen, the Netherlands from 19 –30 January 2015’.

A fresh approach in addressing the problem of food and nutrition insecurity is the human rights-based framework. The right to food has been formally recognized since the adoption of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

This definition of the Right to Food has been further developed by FAO and is as follows: When every man, woman and child, alone or in community with others, has physical access and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement.

As a participant in this course you will gain insights about concepts and principles within the human rights-based approach, Right to Food, Food and Nutrition security and their interrelationships. The course will address different concepts used in the right to food approach. Participants will be provided tools on how to set-up lobbying and advocacy campaigns and how to develop an intervention using a rights-based approach to address food and nutrition insecurity.

If you are interested in learning about rights-based approaches please consult our website of the Centre for Development Innovation for more information about the application procedure and costs.

Fellowships available: Deadline for fellowship application is May 6, 2014.

For more information on nutrition, agriculture and experiences of previous participants of our courses, please visit the nutrition security portal

International nutrition courses with fellowships opportunities - Wageningen UR

The Food and Nutrition Security Training programme of the Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen UR is pleased to announce the organisation of 3 international courses:

1. Linking emergency aid to food and nutrition security, to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from November 3 - November 14, 2014.

2. Agriculture Nutrition Linkages, to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from November 24 – December 5 2014.

3. Rights-based approach to food and nutrition security, to be held in Wageningen, the Netherlands from 19 –30 January 2015.

Despite the world-wide increase of food availability, there are still around one billion people undernourished. This is far above of the target of MDG 1. There is now substantial evidence that malnutrition has life-long negative impacts on productivity and income-generating potential of the population.

Fellowships available: Deadline for fellowship application is May 6, 2014.

For more information on nutrition, agriculture and experiences of previous participants of our courses, please visit the nutrition security portal:


Launch of the Right to Food Forum

Dear Right to Food Supporters,

We are happy to announce the launching of the Right to Food Forum.

Hosted by FAO through the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum), the Right to Food Forum is a new online platform aiming at facilitating open discussions on key issues related to the right to food.

The theme of the first discussion is "Spaces for dialogue on food security at the municipal level". Your contribution to the debate is most welcome.

To take part, register here and post your comments online. If you would like to send us your comments via email or suggest a topic for discussion, you can also contact us by email.

The Right to Food Forum is part of the activities conducted by the FAO Right to Food Team on the occasion of the 10 years review of progress made in implementing the Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (Right to Food Guidelines) adopted unanimously by the FAO Council in 2004.

The 41st session of the CFS in October will represent a privileged platform to discuss the different dimensions of the implementation of the Guidelines (global, regional and national), look back at the progress made over the last ten years and plan the way forward. To mark this important milestone, FAO is leading a series of activities including 7 Thematic Studies on important issues guided by the content of the Right to Food Guidelines; a Synthesis Report capturing the main findings of the Studies for the CFS; and a Technical Dialogue on 3rd of July aiming at determining how to better focus the background provided by FAO for the multi-stakeholder retrospective review, in order to give a comprehensive but concise overview of the 10 years achievements, the challenges and the key lessons learned.

Please check the Right to Food website frequently for updates!