¿Cómo enfrentan los países de América Latina la doble carga de la malnutrición?
El propósito de esta colaboración entre la Red ICEAN y el Foro FSN consiste en realizar un balance de la situación actual y capitalizar en lo que los países de la región están haciendo para combatir la doble carga de la malnutrición; así como identificar lo que requieren estos esfuerzos para tener éxito. Esta consulta representa una excelente oportunidad para el intercambio de experiencias sobre este tema tan complejo.

Los alimentos de venta en las calles y la agricultura urbana y periurbana: perspectivas para una coalición estratégica hacia la seguridad alimentaria
El objetivo de este debate es compartir puntos de vista sobre los vínculos reales y potenciales entre la venta de alimentos en las calles y la agricultura y horticultura urbana y periurbana (AUP), analizando si, y de qué manera, esos vínculos pueden servir de base para posibles estrategias para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria en áreas urbanas.
New course: Food security in an urbanising society
Due to continuing rural-urban migration, over 50% of the world’s population now lives in densely populated urban areas. They rely heavily on all sorts of markets for their daily food needs. These are supplied through overstressed, complex agro-logistical networks that often fail. This course offered by the Centre for Development Innovation of Wageningen UR focuses on how rural production and urban market systems can be integrated such that rural and urban communities can access nutritious food that is both affordable and acceptable.

Meat Atlas - Facts and figures about the animals we eat
This publication sheds light on the impacts of meat and dairy production, and aims to catalyse the debate over the need for better, safer and more sustainable food and farming.

El futuro de la Agricultura Familiar: empoderamiento e igualdad de derechos para mujeres y jóvenes
En el contexto del Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar, esta discusión se dirige a aquellos que son activos en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar y que tienen sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar los medios de subsistencia de las campesinas y cómo animar a los jóvenes a continuar en la agricultura familiar.

How Rainfall Variability, Food Security and Migration Interact
The world faces a serious water crisis, warned former heads of government and experts recently in a book that identifies a multitude of associated security, development and social risks, including food, health, energy and equity issues. “Water security requires long-term political ownership and...

Environmental migrants - A myth?
Environmental migration has been the subject of lively debate in recent years. Recent International Food Policy Research Institute ( IFPRI) research lets us put this debate into perspective. Microlevel evidence has improved our understanding of how climate affects individual and household decisions...

Moving Forward, Looking Back: The Impact of Migration and Remittances on Assets, Consumption, and Credit Constraints in the Rural Philippines
This paper investigates the impact of migration and remittances on asset holdings, consumption expenditures, and credit constraint status of households in origin communities, using a unique longitudinal data set from the Philippines. The paper examines the impact of remittances from outside the...

The Vanishing Farms? The Impact of International Migration on Albanian Family Farming
This paper investigates the impact of international migration on technical efficiency, resource allocation and income from agricultural production of family farming in Albania. The results suggest that migration is used by rural households as a pathway out agriculture: migration is negatively...