Migración rural, agricultura y desarrollo rural
Esta nota informativa del Foro FSN se basa en la discusión en línea celebrada entre septiembre y octubre de 2017 sobre Migración rural, agricultura y desarrollo rural, facilitada por Andrea Cattaneo de la FAO. Participantes de 28 países comentaron el proyecto del borrador inicial anotado de la...
Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition report
This year's report features the theme: "The Food Security and Nutrition - Conflict Nexus: Building Resilience for Food Security, Nutrition and Peace". The report indicates that during the first decade of the millinium, sub-Saharan Africa made sound progress in the fight against hunger with the...
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017
The report warns that the greater number of conflicts, whose impacts are often exacerbated by climate-related shocks, is one of the main drivers behind the fact that after steadily declining for over a decade, global hunger appears to be on the rise once more. This is threatening to derail the...
FAO Global Early Warning – Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture
The FAO Global Early Warning - Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture for the period October-December 2017 has been released. The Global Early Warning - Early Action System aims to translate forecasts and early warnings into anticipatory action. The Global EWEA report is a quarterly forward-looking analytical summary of major disaster risks to food security and agriculture.
Please download the full report here: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i7813e.pdf.
FAO/GIEWS quarterly report Crop Propects and Food Situation
FAO/GIEWS has released the latest issue of the Crop Prospects and Food Situation quarterly report that focuses on developments affecting the food situation of developing countries and Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries. The report also includes an overview of global cereal production prospects and a table highlighting countries that require external assistance for food, identifying the primary causes of the local food crises.
Counties requiring external assistance for food: FAO estimates that 37 countries are in need of external assistance for food in the world. Persisting conflicts have continued to acutely affect agricultural production and food security conditions. Weather shocks, including floods, hurricanes and droughts, have compounded the fragile conditions in some of the conflict-affected countries and also resulted in production shortfalls, adversely impacting food availability and access in other countries.
Africa: Northern Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan continue to be affected by severe food insecurity, while drought in parts of East Africa has curbed agricultural outputs and sustained high food prices. Wetter conditions in Southern Africa resulted in production recoveries, leading to significantly reduced food insecure numbers, while severe localized floods in West Africa have affected larger numbers of people.
Asia: Despite severe localized floods and droughts in some countries, production in the Far East is forecast to increase in 2017. Conflicts continue to intensely impact agriculture and food security in Iraq, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen. Elsewhere in the Near East, generally good weather boosted production.
Latin America and the Caribbean: In the Caribbean, the impact of hurricanes is expected to depress agricultural production for second season crops in the affected areas and adversely impact food security conditions. In South America, record cereal outputs are forecast in Argentina and Brazil in 2017.
Please download the full report here: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i7830e.pdf.
Migración rural, agricultura y desarrollo rural
La edición de 2018 de El estado de la alimentación y la agricultura (SOFA), una de las principales publicaciones anuales de la FAO, se centrará en la migración y los retos que plantea para la seguridad alimentaria, así como para la paz y la estabilidad. Para comenzar a redactar el borrador del informe sobre El estado de la alimentación y la agricultura (SOFA), nos gustaría invitarle a compartir sus comentarios y consideraciones sobre el proyecto del borrador inicial anotado.
Más allá de la resiliencia “temporal”: resultados que perduren en tiempo
Este documento resume la discusión en línea Más allá de la resiliencia “temporal”: resultados que perduren en tiempo, que tuvo lugar en el Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición de la FAO (Foro FSN) del 1 al 24 de marzo de 2017. La discusión fue facilitada por Walter Mwasaa, miembro...
Food security, sustaining peace and gender equality: conceptual framework and future directions
The main objective of this study is to generate knowledge and make meaningful, evidence-based and actionable recommendations to governments and other stakeholders, particularly international organizations and FAO staff, on the nexus between supporting food and nutrition security, building peace and...
Migración y Crisis Prolongadas - Abordar las causas subyacentes y establecer medios de susbsistencia agrícolas resilientes
El presente documento tiene por objetivo mejorar la comprensión de la migración en situaciones de crisis prolongada explicando el contexto y aportando ejemplos del trabajo que la FAO, junto con sus asociados, ha estado realizando en varios países para fortalecer la resiliencia de las comunidades y '...
FAO/GIEWS Special Alert on the drought in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
FAO/GIEWS has released a special alert on drought affecting crops in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
• Prolonged dry weather conditions from April to late June in the main central and southern cereal-producing provinces raise serious concerns about the final production of the ongoing 2017 main cropping season.
• If rains do not improve soon, the 2017 cereal output may decrease significantly, further deteriorating the local food insecurity.
• Immediate interventions are needed to support the affected farmers and prevent negative coping strategies for the most vulnerable households.
The report can be accessed through the following link:
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