Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

The FAO may want to consider promoting policies that improve the heirloom garden seed industry in most African countries.  Only South Africa has a robust garden seed industry in Africa (see Livingseeds Heirloom Seed Co, for example).  Other African countries have limited the production of open pollinated, .non-hybrid non-GMO seeds. African countries have limited the use of heirloom garden seeds so that their use will not interfere with the commercial production of vegetables for the European market.

I suggest that the FAO recommend the use of Victory Gardens (over poverty) so that people in poverty can increase their food security.  In particular, I suggest that the FAO recommend the use of the Three Sisters garden technique to increase food availability in African urban and peri-urban environments. Many African countries do not have the heirloom garden seeds typically used for a Three Sisters garden in the US (Kentucky Wonder and Lazy Housewife green pole bean seeds as well as Country Gentleman, Golden Bantam and Bloody Butcher sweet corn),