Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear moderator

We considered the time of our country to send the contributions, but it was closed when I tried.

I am sending our contribution below on behalf of the National Institute of Science and Technology Fight against Hunger, Brazil.

Best wishes

Dirce Marchioni


1.The V0 draft introduces a conceptual framework informed by key principles established in previous HLPE-FSN reports (HLPE, 2017; HLPE, 2020).

Do you find the proposed framework effective to highlight and discuss the key issues concerning urban and peri-urban food systems?


Is this a useful conceptual framework to provide practical guidance for policymakers?

Yes. However, when you give the figure (p10), there is a oversimplification in the aspects linked with each one of the dimensions. 

Can you offer suggestions for examples to illustrate and facilitate the operationalization of the conceptual framework to address issues relevant for FSN?

We suggest to stress that it is a system, and not a linear e compartmentalized situation.  

2. The report adopts the broader definition of food security (proposed by the HLPE-FSN in 2020), which includes six dimensions of food security: availability, access, utilization, stability, agency and sustainability.

Does the V0 draft cover sufficiently the implications of this broader definition in urban and peri-urban food systems?

The dimension of agency still is not very well explained. Since that, together with sustainability these are new additions to the framework, they should be more clear

3. Are the trends/variables/elements identified in the draft report the key ones to strengthen urban and peri-urban food systems? If not, which other elements should be considered?


Are there any other issues concerning urban and peri-urban food systems that have not been sufficiently covered in the draft report?

Are topics under- or over-represented in relation to their importance


4. is there additional quantitative or qualitative data that should be included?

Are there other references, publications, or traditional or different kind of knowledges, which should be considered?

5. Are there any redundant facts or statements that could be eliminated from the V0 draft?


6.Could you suggest case studies and success stories from countries that were able to strengthen urban and peri-urban food systems? In particular, the HLPE-FSN would seek contributions on:

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a) evidence-based examples of successful interventions in urban and peri-urban food systems with the principles behind what made the process work;

b) efforts made to enhance agency in urban and peri-urban food systems;

c) efforts made to enhance the right to food in urban and peri-urban settings;

d) examples of circular economy and urban and peri-urban food system and climate change adaptation and mitigation, preferably beyond issues of production; and

e) examples of national and local government collaboration on urban and peri-urban food systems.